Logic is the study of formal and informal reasoning. Originally a branch of philosophy, logic has also become a mathematical discipline, a tool of modern linguistics, the core of computer science and an object of study for psychologists and cognitive scientists of every description. The field now reaches into virtually every aspect of human (and nonhuman) thought. Studying logic enhances students’ reasoning ability, analytic reading and writing skills, oral debate skills, and appreciation of the structure of language and argument and of the structure of abstract formal systems. Logic is an excellent foundation not only for the study of philosophy, mathematics, computer science and linguistics, but also for such disciplines as legal studies, government and economics.
Logic at the Five Colleges
The Five College Logic Certificate program brings together aspects of logic from different regions of the curriculum and is designed to acquaint students with the uses of logic and initiate them in the profound mysteries and discoveries of modern logic.
Contact The Logic Program
Dewey Hall 106
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3679 Email: cbell@gener8co.com
Administrative Assistant: Chrissie Bell
Students who wish to learn more about the logic program may contact Jay Garfield.